Woodrow Weight Control Centers 4839 Leslie Street
Toronto, Ontario M2K 2J8
Phone: (866) 240-2281
Say NO to Weight Gain This Holiday Season
Monday, 06 December 2010 00:00

bathroomscale250x209Did you know that the average person gains anywhere from 1 to 12 pounds during the holiday season alone?

With the many holiday get-togethers coming up and all the delicious yet fattening treats that'll surely be served, to assure this doesn't happen to you, a plan of action is needed to assure you won't go into the New Year being heavier than before.

Here are some simple holiday diet tips and tricks to help you avoid the holiday weight gain that afflicts so many people.

Want Another Reason To Stop Smoking...Try Vanity!
Monday, 15 November 2010 17:07

Stop SmokingKick The Habit Now and Avoid "Cigarette Face" Later!

That's right! Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it depletes your skin of its vitality, leaving it looking pale and "tired" in appearance.

Attributed largely to the over 4,000 chemical compounds produced when tobacco burns and its smoke is inhaled or comes in contact with your skin, (e.g acetone, ammonia, arsenic, benzene, cyanide, hydrogen, formaldehyde and nicotine), researchers have found that of these compounds, the major culprits which assault our skin are carbon monoxide and nicotine. Together these two carcinogens have been found to impede the circulatory system, depriving your skin of its much needed oxygen and vital nutrients which, over time, leads to dehydration and dryness, causing premature facial wrinkling!

In fact, when it comes to the face, the American Medical Association has a name for this smoke-induced appearance. It's called Cigarette Face.

October Is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Nutritional Changes Can Make a Difference.
Monday, 20 September 2010 00:00

October Breast Cancer AwarenessCancer is a disease that we all wish didn’t exist. It ravages the body and the lives of those around the sufferer. No one can predict who will and who won’t get cancer, but one way that you can reduce your risk of certain kinds of cancers is through watching your nutritional intake.

You are what you eat. Even when you are young, eating poorly will eventually catch up with you. Eating a natural diet not only helps your body by boosting your immune system, it also keeps the body operating in good condition on the inside.

One cancer that is a big concern these days is breast cancer. Besides having yearly mammograms when you turn 40, women can also make nutritional changes to lower their risk.

 These changes include adding more of the following to your diet...

Healing Humor - Laughter Can Help
Monday, 16 August 2010 00:00

eating-appleHave you ever heard that laughter is the best medicine?

Actually it is. Laughter therapy teaches people to get in touch with their feelings through humor.

Now, it's a given that all situations in life are not funny. In fact, when you are seeking therapy, it is usually for something serious that needs to be dealt with so that you can continue to live your life. In this case, laughter is used as a means to an end and not as a way to make light of your situation.

Let's look at the anatomy of laughter. What happens when you laugh? First of all, your abs start to hurt (not a bad thing if you are trying to tone them in addition to other things). That is a sign of a deep belly laugh, a "side splitter" as they call it.

But what about after you stop laughing and catch your breath? You feel better. Laughter releases those endorphins in the brain, the body's natural "mood enhancers." You wipe the laughing tears and your eyes seem a little brighter. If something was bothering you, it's no longer taking over your entire thought process.

Laughter is used as a gateway in therapy. As a child or according to sex, we are often told to stifle certain feelings - anger, sensitivity, sadness; the list goes on. When these feelings are stunted, they don't simply disappear from our emotional repertoire. They get buried deep. Repressed feelings have been the subject of more than one psychological dissertation.

More and more, professionals are beginning to realize that repressed emotional states affect the body, not just the mind. You could be crippling your physical and emotional wellbeing when you don't express what you are feeling inside. But, you need a non-threatening environment to do so.

That is where laughter therapy can help. Let's say that from a young age you were told that angry feelings lead to violence. For so long, you have repressed anger and it has led to ulcers and more than one broken relationship.

Through laughter, you can get in touch with that anger. Your therapist can use humor to help you deal with a situation that angered you. Since you are still probably not ready to express anger, laughter can be the way to get you to release that anger in a controlled environment. With the laughter come tears, anger, fear and all the other emotions we try to hide. Humor helps you see your problems from a different perspective, which breaks down barriers needed to proceed with the therapeutic process.

How can you encourage laughter even after the therapy session? Watch a funny show or read funny comics or stories on a regular basis. The more you enhance your mood, the more you will strive to experience humor to help you deal with the other emotional states in your life.

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Adrian Woodrow, M.D. is committed to the prevention of disease and remains current in all leading related medical developments.
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